Welcome to Season 4! War has come to Doskvol. The Immortal Emperor’s iron grip has throttled the life from any notions of neutrality or passivity in the minds of the neighboring sovereignty of Iruvia. After the naked aggression of the airstrike on Elstera Avrathi’s ship, The Iruvian congress declared that peace could no longer protect their country from eternal servitude at the hands of the emperor. Meanwhile, in Dosvol, automatons pound their desks at every street corner, rattling off a litanous condemnation of Iruvian intrigues, mustering a vociferous cohort of pro-war loyalists to serve in the imperial army. The Pyurrfect Ten Leviathan Fleet flees the city as Imperial Loyalty Agents turn over the Pyurrfect Estate, publishing any hint of malfeasance with a sinister ellipsis. The schism in the Van Carston gang leaves leviathan blood refining to the public companies buying massive amounts of industrial real estate with cash from sweetheart imperial war contracts. Kaci Kreborn Haracit and her power-thirsty machinations have led her to a desperate scrabble for clout; a viper who finding its path reversed may easily coil to strike anew. The Ebony Falcon has become a boogie-man, leaving soldiers on both sides of the war quivering in fear to utter its name or to ask, Who is the Unicorn?
Welcome to the Imperial City, a thrumming metropolis gripped by a stifling siege blockade. When the Knives arrive to make the best of a bad situation, their opening moves in announcing their debut in the Big City Underworld have them working for a group known as the Unseen, running afoul of the truly terrifying Lord Scurlock.